Some may say it’s too early, but it is probably time to start thinking beyond the current phase of correction and volatility. Why? Because, more than anything else, the ability to go against the narrative is what delivers that extra bit of return in the stock market. Just consider: You were bullish at the start of 2024, and probably till October 2024 you were not willing to sell. Are you bearish today in 2025, and unwilling to buy? Remember two things. The ability to be bullish when bears are roaming the street is something you need time to develop. And the ability to be a bear when bulls are controlling every corner of the street is something you need to learn.
What is being contrarian? Just to put it in perspective: In early September 2024, a majority of investors looked at their mobile phones and felt happy about how good the returns were on their stock market investments. Did anyone think of selling in September 2024? The answer is most probably no. Today, it is the opposite. A large majority may not even want to check the returns on their investments. Their overall returns may well be in the red on
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